The Computer: The Useless (Episode 2) Transcript

Our new episode is out! Here is a transcript.

Marie is an angel. But when a seasoned cameraman turns sinister, the lorry has an accident.

Somebody write this.

Hi, and welcome to Somebody Write This, where we use a random plot generator to give us an idea, and then brainstorm how that could be a thing somebody might want to write. I'm Hannah.

And I'm Jennie.

And today we have a very special guest here, our very first guest on the podcast to help us unpack and brainstorm. We have Rebekah Megill. Thank you for being here, Rebekah.

Hello. Thank you.

I actually invited Rebekah on this podcast. She was one of the first people I thought of because she is not only somebody who loves to write, but she's actually my siste, and one of the ones that I used to make play this game with when we were younger that I mentioned back in our trailer, where we would get a random character, a random setting and a random plot and then have one page out of a composition notebook to write a story. Rebekah, do you remember any of your stories that you wrote during that exercise?

Not a lot. I don't remember any complete plots. I do remember there was one where the plot was that someone finds someone who loves wishing as much as she does.

Who loves wishing?


I don't remember that one.

I remember struggling with that one.

The only one I remember is the one about the scarecrow sacrificing himself for somebody else. And so I remember writing a story about two scarecrows in a field that were like... One of them started dying. And so the first one pulled his straw out and stuffed it into them to keep them alive, and then they came back to life, and they were like, "No, don't do it." And so they started pulling their straw to give back to the first one who was now dying and it ended with them both just pulling all the straw out of their bodies and both being dead. Just a morbid ending. I had completely forgotten about the wishing one. We are of course recording this and releasing this in the month of November, which means that for novelists and writers all over the world, it is National Novel Writing Month. Rebekah, you and I have done this for a long time. Are you doing it again this year?

Yes. Yeah, I do that every year.

I was gonna say I thought you'd been pretty consistent. Have you won? How many years do you think that you've one out of the ones that you've done?

I've won approximately half the time. I think it's like seven out of 13 or something.

Not bad.

That's not bad at all. Did you win last year?


Okay, so maybe this is this is the year to get back. Do you know what your plot is this year or are you still working that out?

Yeah, no, it's a... Well, I was gonna say fantasy, but I don't know if it's fantasy or sci fi. It's about a bunch of sentient but uninhabited planets who deal with some sort of alien thing that's slowly killing them, all trying to fight back against it.

The same alien thing killing all of them?


That's really fun.

"That's really fun. Everyone's dying."

Well, I guess it's not fun for them. And I guess hopefully I, you know, I'm rooting for them to win, I guess. Unless they're just all jerks, if you wrote the story and just all the planets were terrible. And you're like, yay, I can't wait for them to die.

No, it's not supposed to be the point.

My last question just so again, we can have a sense of like, what kinds of things you like to write. So this this year, you're doing maybe fantasy/sci fi. What genres or themes or ideas do you tend to really gravitate toward either in your writing or in your reading?

Well, I do very little that's not fantasy or sci fi, either in writing or reading. Even then I tend to write stories that are very like, character-based, especially about very isolated people, for whatever reason.

Do you have a favorite author or a favorite book or something that you've read recently that you really enjoy?

I don't know. Well, currently I'm reading the Ender series. I'm in the middle of Speaker for the Dead. And I'm really enjoying that.

Is this the first time you've read it?

The second one. I've read Ender's Game before, but I hadn't continued with the series.

Cool. All right. Well, we're glad you're here, Rebekah, to help us work out this plot, which again, to remind our listeners, the plot is: Mariei is an angel. But when a seasoned cameraman turns sinister, the lorry has an accident.

Okay, my first question is, is Marie a literal or a metaphorical angel?

I don't know. And we're assuming that Marie is not, this is not the seasoned cameraman who is also an angel, that those are two separate characters. So maybe Marie is a literal angel. Maybe this is a spiritual fantasy story, and she's trying to bring the seasoned cameraman back from sinisterdom to redemption?

It's a Hallmark movie.

My first thought was maybe to connect the angel and the cameraman, like she plays an angel on TV or in a movie or something.

Oh, I like that.

Okay, so he's shooting some kind of like a Touched by an Angel kind of thing and she plays the angel.

So they know each other professionally. Interested.

And then he turns sinister.

I'm assuming that means he caused the truck to, he caused the lorry accident

It does sound like it.

It sounds like his sinisterness caused the accident. So the question is why and how does he turn sinister and why does that knock a lawyer-- lorry over. Lawyer? There's no lawyers in this story.

I mean mybe there's a lawyer on the lorry, I don't know.

It's a lawyer "lawyer". Oh gosh. Say that three times fast.

Yeah, I can't say that one.

Yeah. A truck has an accident.

Yeah, I had to make sure that I was doing the correct British English to American English translation, but a lorry is a large heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops. So it's not typically like a truck that people would like drive in.

Yeah, not a pick-up truck. It's like a moving truck.

Right. What does the lorry have to do with-- Okay, if they're both on a TV show, is the lorry like transporting the set and equipment to a different location? Are they on their way to a shoot somewhere?

That makes the most sense.

And then he turns sinister. Just like, boom, he's sinister.

I think we need to know more about this

I think we need to know do Marie and the cameraman have a relationship before this? Like do they know each other well? Does she see him turning sinister? Or is this like... The *seasoned* cameraman is interesting too. Like the fact that it's bringing home the point that he's been doing this for a while. So like is he just tired of being behind the camera and...?

Right, well, I'm wondering, I think he's a seasoned cameraman, but I think he's new to Marie's show

So he was working somewhere else. Maybe he was working somewhere a lot more prestigious, and was moved to this kind of cheesy fantasy "angels are a guardian angel" kind of show and he's bitter now.

Right, he's gone down from like Thursday night drama to Tuesday morning soap opera.

Or maybe he was even a film cameraman. Maybe he worked with like big name Oscar bait stars and directors. And something happened. Maybe something personally happened that he like, was a jerk to somebody. Or maybe this sinisterness, this has been brewing, that he's been like a worse person or not a very good person and then it took a downturn. Okay, so he's stuck in this job.

Okay, so Rebekah, where do you think the cameraman used to work?

I don't know. But I'm wondering, did he work with people who were like, on or driving the lorry? And so it's like revenge against them...?

Oh, hold on. Maybe he doesn't work for their show anymore. Maybe he was fired and he he still has friends in the production departments and friends on the crew and so he still has a friend who maybe works with... Maybe the lorry's accident is not like life threatening so much as like, stealing equipment or something or breaking-- I don't know. Maybe it's something like that, almost like a heist.

Is it ike a heist or is it or is it like saboage for the show? Like if you sabotage the equipment, or the sets or whatever that's on the lorry?

Yeah, I think, yeah, he's revenge sabotaging. So the question, I guess now is if we know kind of like where he is and where he's coming from and what he's doing... Right now we're just telling us that Marie exists. That she plays an angel on this show. So she has to factor more into this somehow.

She came up in the plot. So she's obviously an important character.

She came up first in the plot, and she's the only one with a name. I'm gonna generate a random name for our camera man, by the way, while figure out what Marie is doing?

Okay, I like the idea that if the seasoned cameraman was fired from her show, I like the idea that maybe they had a relationship. Not like a romantic one. But you know, "oh, you're my cameraman." You know, and so, he'd worked with long enough that he knew how to follow her with the camera, how to anticipate when to zoom in, that kind of thing. Not that I know what a cameraman does.

So is she able to like bring him back? Is he on or near the lorry during all this or does he just leave it to his minion friends?

He has minions now?

His minion friends.

Evil cameraman with minions. What's his name? What's his name?

His name is Achilles Peterson.

Are you serious?

Which is an amazing name.

Yes, it is.

So yeah, Achilles Peterson is...

Maybe he just goes by "Les."

Maybe, maybe. Okay, so yeah, so they kind of knew each other. Is she on the lorry for some reason? Because it's not what the cast would be transported in. Is she on the lorry but wasn't supposed to be and so he didn't know that she was-- He didn't want her to find out or to get hurt?

Maybe. We assume with with a truck that the accident is like vehicular accident with it in motion, but what if it's--

Oh, it could be standing still and he just like went out to the truck and like, beat it and opened it and took everything.

Okay, well, that's not an accident. That's--

No, but neither is what he's doing either. He smashes into it with something else.

Right, like a piece of the set or something, you know, from above, or a crane falling down or something. And Marie could have been too close, and then, "Oh, no!" Like he's set it up and then her being too close makes him rethink it.

So it makes him rethink it so he's like, "I'm not going to do this anymore"? I was thinking maybe he did it and she got hurt.

Oh, maybe.

And he was like, "Oh no!" Before we run out, I want to share the title this gave to me as well.

Oh yeah, always share the title because that gives us something else to add.

Yeah, to figure out. So this is the title. I'm sending it to both of you but I'm reading it out loud. It is "The Computer: The Useless."


Which does not nicely fit into our story that we have here at all.

Is that the title of the show?

Maybe, maybe.

"Starring Marie Smith is the angel in The Useless."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. If we wanted to take just half of that if we wanted to call it like, "The Useless," or "The Computer," or take out one of the "the"s and call it "Computer: The Useless" for some reason if that was going to be helpful.

Okay, well, here's an interesting twist. What if we go the sci fi route and say the seasoned cameraman was replaced with a robot?

Okay, he is trying to deliberately hurt the robot with the accident.


I legit had the thought at one point, "Maybe he's a really snobby camera man. He's upset that they're moving to digital instead of film." That makes total sense, this fits it. Yeah, so they're bringing in robotic cameras, that like the director can just control with an iPad and he's mad.

"Stupid robot!"

And so Marie comes in and is hurt, and...

This is where you the listeners come in, I think. This is where you guys finish things off.

I think we have a lot of threads here. And I think we're going to need more time than we have on this podcast to weave them together more smoothly.

Well, we always run out of time. So yeah, so we want to know from you guys, how are Marie and Achilles-- What's their history? And we want to know more about this camera robot and what kind of accident was the lorry in?

And I want to know if the angel makes a comeback, like if she plays an angel on the show, but also maybe there's like some actual metaphorical angelic stuff happening. Maybe there is some kind of miraculous redemption at the end.

Or maybe she dies and comes back as an angel.

Or the computer is the angel. Oh, she comes back as an angel to work alongside the computer.

That would be great.

This would be amazing.

It would be like Touched by an Angel meets Short Circuit.

Yeah. Rebekah, you like sci fi fantasy. This is both now. Well, that's our episode. As a reminder, you can find us every other Thursday wherever you get your podcasts.

And don't forget to follow us on Twitter @writethispod. And if you've been inspired by this episode and have questions or thoughts or anything else, email us at We would love to hear from you.

Thank you so much for joining us, Rebekah.

Thank you.

We'll be back with another episode in two weeks. See you then.



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